Private Practice

How to Help Clients Cope with the Election

Sep 11, 2024

Navigating election conversations with clients while maintaining neutrality and avoiding personal bias can be challenging. Therapists from Tava Health offer several approaches to handling these sensitive discussions. Here are key strategies, in their own words:

Validate Clients' Feelings

A central approach is validating the client’s feelings without engaging in the political content itself. Many therapists stress that it's important to acknowledge the anxiety or concerns clients may have about the election, helping them feel heard and supported. Rather than discussing the political specifics, focus on the emotional response to the situation. John Stawarz, licensed mental health counselor, echoes this, saying, "I validate their feelings," which helps clients feel heard and understood.

Listen Without Sharing Personal Opinions

Maintaining neutrality is essential. Therapists suggest actively listening to clients’ concerns and helping them process their emotions without revealing personal political beliefs. This allows for a safe, non-judgmental space where the conversation is about the client’s experience, not the therapist’s opinion. Kim Premo, licensed therapist, emphasizes the importance of maintaining neutrality: "I don’t share my political views with clients. I listen, help summarize, and find solutions in a non-biased way. I would hope that none of my clients ever know my political standpoint." This allows for productive discussions while keeping the focus on the client’s experience, not the therapist’s opinions.

Focus on Clients' Concerns, Not the Politics

Election-related discussions often stem from broader issues like uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. Many therapists recommend shifting the conversation away from specific political events or parties and instead exploring the emotions that are driving the client’s stress. This approach helps redirect the focus to underlying themes that may appear in other areas of their lives, such as fear of change or insecurity about the future.Karin Fils-Aime, licensed professional counselor, notes, "It’s not about my opinion or bias. It’s about their fear and response to uncertainty." Therapists should delve into the emotions behind the conversation, which often surface in other areas of the client’s life.

Set Boundaries and Hold Space

Establishing clear boundaries around political discussions is important to prevent conversations from becoming heated or overwhelming. Therapists often remind clients that the therapy space is about their well-being, not a debate on political issues. By creating a boundary, therapists allow space for clients to explore their feelings without feeling pressured to engage in political discourse. For more on boundaries, check out this resource on setting healthy boundaries from Tava therapist, Randy Johnson.

Encourage Healthy Dialogue

Therapists suggest using active listening techniques to facilitate healthy dialogue. This can involve asking open-ended questions that help clients explore their thoughts without steering the conversation into a political argument. If a discussion becomes too intense, gently redirecting the conversation to a neutral topic or the client’s emotional response can help keep the session focused on healing.

Address the Underlying Emotions

Another effective strategy is helping clients manage their emotions during politically charged discussions. Therapists recommend discussing emotional regulation techniques and helping clients identify when political conversations are triggering stress or anxiety. By focusing on emotional well-being, therapists can help clients navigate political stress more effectively. Page Graham, licensed therapist, suggests, "Shifting to fact-based information, providing resources, and redirecting the focus of the session to the underlying theme related to the client’s therapy goals." This approach helps move the conversation from politics to the emotional triggers at play.

If you haven’t set goals with this client yet, consider sharing Tava’s self-reflection worksheet.

Maintain Objectivity and Emotional Boundaries

Therapists emphasize the importance of maintaining emotional boundaries and staying objective during these conversations. Rather than getting caught up in the content of political discussions, they guide clients to explore their own experiences and emotions. This approach keeps the therapist neutral while allowing the client to feel understood and supported. Glen Alex, licensed clinical social worker, advises staying grounded: "With any topic, I explore the client's experience with the issue they present from their point of view. I have good emotional boundaries and am very good at being objective." Objectivity allows therapists to guide clients without becoming personally involved in the political content. Here are some tips for countering compassion fatigue.

By using these strategies, therapists can can create a balanced, supportive environment for clients during election discussions, focusing on emotional well-being without introducing personal bias or opinions into the conversation.

For more resources to help your clients, check out more of Tava Health’s blog posts and mental health resources.

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