Stress & Burnout

Easy Tips for Reducing Stress

Mar 28, 2024

April is Stress Awareness Month. People talk about stress often, but how many of us know how to best cope with or identify when it becomes a problem? Roughly 55% of Americans report feeling stressed during the day while 48% say they are lying awake at night worrying. Chronic stress can impact your physical health too leading to heart disease, cancer, accidents, or suicide. A 2017 study identified the top stressors for Americans were money, work, and the economy.

Managing stress is critical for your physical and mental well-being. Here are a few tips to help manage your stress throughout the day:

14 Stress Relief Tips

Practice gratitude

Write down three things you are grateful for. This exercise forces you to shift from thinking about your stressors to thinking about things that make you happy.

Laugh it off

Pull up some standup highlights on YouTube for 10-15 minutes of comic relief. Smiles and laughter will shake off stress hormones and leave you feeling good.

Have a snooze

Get in a power nap or a siesta to lift your mood, boost productivity, and reduce stress.

Liven up your space

Use bright colors, art, and plants or flowers to create your sanctuary for decompression and relaxation. 

Listen to music 

Turn on some tunes to help bust through a monotonous task or relax in a tough moment. Work in some dance moves for extra relief.

Get out

Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for the body and mind. Research shows that outdoor work can even prevent illness!

Cuddle an animal

Lots of research indicates that a little interaction with a furry friend can release oxytocin in the brain, which helps zap anxiety and improve mood.

Smell the flowers

Whether it’s flowers or essential oils, lavender is the go-to for stress relief. The scent has long alleviated headaches, anxiety, and muscle pain.

Talk it out

Stress feels worse when you keep it to yourself. Talking out your worries and stressors lightens the emotional burden and can give you some needed perspective.

Chunk it

Feeling overwhelmed? Breaking down big jobs into an organized list of tasks can help re-establish a feeling of direction and control.


The occasional 5-10 minute mindfulness session is scientifically proven to help you stay relaxed, focused, and intentional about your day.


Whether your day consists of vigorous movement or hunching over a keyboard, a quick stretch can loosen up tension stored in the body. Consider child’s pose, seated spinal twist, or rotational neck stretch.

Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique

Deep, slow breaths tell your parasympathetic nervous system that you’re safe. Inhale through your nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7 counts, exhale slowly for 8 counts, and repeat four times.

Go for a walk

A brisk 10-15 minute walk around the block or office triggers the release of endorphins that subdue anxiety, increase energy levels, and improve mood.

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